Vernon Kay Takes on Caber Toss Challenge at Bute Highland Games for BBC Radio 2’s ‘Let’s Move It’ Campaign As part of BBC Radio 2’s summer ‘Let’s Move It’ campaign, Vernon Kay is set to broadcast his show live from Rothesay on the Isle of Bute on 23rd August. The radio station's six-week initiative encourages the nation to get active, and Vernon has accepted a unique challenge to toss the caber at the island’s annual Highland Games.
The Scottish caber toss is no small feat—the caber itself ranges between 5 to 6 meters in height and weighs 40 to 70 kilograms. The goal isn't about how far you can toss it, but rather ensuring the caber flips end over end and lands correctly, away from the tosser (yes, that’s the official term for the person tossing the caber). Achieving a ‘clean toss’ requires precision, strength, and balance.
Vernon will need to balance the caber against his shoulder, crouch down, and then stand up (how I hear you ask??) while sliding his hands to the base of the caber—a challenge in itself. Then, he has to walk forward and flip the massive ‘tree trunk,’ tapered end up, aiming to have it land wider end down. Simple? Hardly!
To make things even more interesting, Vernon might take on this task while wearing a kilt! He’d better pack his wellies, too, as there is bound to be a spot of rain. This might work to his advantage though as a soggy kilt might add some extra weight for balance, not to mention protecting his modesty in the event it’s too heavy to fly up as he gathers momentum for the toss.
Vernon will attempt the caber toss on Friday, 23rd August, with the Highland Games taking place the following day, Saturday, 24th August. His regular Friday morning show will be broadcast live from Rothesay, where listeners can tune in to follow his caber-tossing adventure in real-time.
To prepare for the challenge, Vernon has already begun two weeks of intensive training, dubbing it ‘The Route to Bute.’ With any luck, he’ll be ready to flex his muscles and impress the locals with his newfound caber-tossing skills.
The annual Bute Highland Games is a fantastic day out for the entire family. With events including athletics, wrestling, a battle of the pipe bands, and highland dancing, there’s plenty to keep everyone entertained. The games, as we know them today, have been a beloved local tradition since 1947, although Highland Games have been a part of Scottish culture for centuries.