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Discover Artistic Inspiration on the Isle of Bute

Bute is a haven for those seeking artistic inspiration or quiet contemplation. It’s miles of unspoilt countryside and rugged coastline have often prompted me want to take up a paintbrush and capture the scene, unfortunately my painting talents are rather rudimentary, perhaps better suited to giving the garden gate its annual coat of paint !! Thankfully, Bute has drawn many creative souls to its shores, and today we are proud to boast over 30 resident artists working across many mediums, from pottery to woodwork and painting.

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Trees - Nature's doctor

Trees are the heartbeat of our environment. They work as air and water filters, whilst providing shelter and food for birds and wildlife. And as if that is not enough, they are beautiful - a kaleidoscope of shapes and colours. It is often said that being around trees reduces stress and generally makes us feel good, and I for one can vouch for this🌳

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Triumph and Trials with Ornamental Grasses

I recently posted celebrating the triumph of my ornamental grasses garden bed. I had intended to post it a few months ago, but got side tracked (something that seems to happen quite often), but perhaps I spoke too soon. It was planted out in early March 2023 when most of the grasses were dormant, yet they all flourished and created a stunning display throughout the summer, so I have been surprised to see some hardy plants give up the ghost this year.

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Exploring the Isle of Bute: A Haven for Nature Enthusiasts and Osprey Lovers

The Isle of Bute has long been a destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Its miles of stunning coastline and unspoilt countryside are a haven for a wide variety of birds and wildlife. Recently, our island received some well-deserved attention when the team from BBC Two’s ‘Springwatch’ visited to film a feature on Bute’s majestic Ospreys. The episode aired on May 28th, and it beautifully showcased the island’s natural beauty.

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ButeFest - Isle of Bute Music Festival - 26th – 28th July 2024

You don't need to go to Glastonbury for music, mud, and mystic stones. The Isle of Bute's premier music festival, ButeFest, has it all - If you love music and have been looking for a music festival experience that blends the magic of live performances with the rugged beauty of Scottish landscapes, ButeFest might just be your thing.

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Spring is springing and what a joy it is...

As I walk through garden in its winter slumber, I am always struck by the quiet beauty, the dormant promise of what is to come. Yet, every year, without fail, I find myself marvelling as the buds and blossoms reappear, as though this renewal is somehow a surprise to me. 

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 Something new in the garden...

I believe all things have energy of a kind, particularly things that have been around for many, many years. I have always found ancient standing stones fascinating and perhaps that is what drew me to my latest garden acquisition.

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