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Snowdrops ...a first hint of Spring

Ah, February’s fair maid A gentle yet persistent force of nature You triumph over cold, hard earth After the dark days of winter You bring the promise of renewal and rebirth And the enduring spirit of life

A few pics of these little beauties in the garden. I love snowdrops, their delicate, pretty heads seem so at odds with the, often harsh, weather that they appear in. No matter how hard the frost, there they are each year reminding us that Spring will be coming soon. 
The garden looks so bare just now, but I know it will soon be bursting with new life. We have spread seaweed across the beds along with some aged bark mulch, so the soil should be full of goodies to energise new growth. 
There are even some daffodil shoots daring to appear. We planted hundreds of bulbs a few years ago, so come March the garden is full of glorious, golden bobbing heads - surely one of nature’s cheeriest sights.