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ButeFest - Isle of Bute Music Festival - 26th – 28th July 2024

You don't need to go to Glastonbury for music, mud, and mystic stones. The Isle of Bute's premier music festival, ButeFest, has it all - If you love music and have been looking for a music festival experience that blends the magic of live performances with the rugged beauty of Scottish landscapes, ButeFest might just be your thing.

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Spring is springing and what a joy it is...

As I walk through garden in its winter slumber, I am always struck by the quiet beauty, the dormant promise of what is to come. Yet, every year, without fail, I find myself marvelling as the buds and blossoms reappear, as though this renewal is somehow a surprise to me. 

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 Something new in the garden...

I believe all things have energy of a kind, particularly things that have been around for many, many years. I have always found ancient standing stones fascinating and perhaps that is what drew me to my latest garden acquisition.

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Rothesay Castle...a wee castle with a big history

A visit to Rothesay would not be complete without a visiting its medieval centrepiece. Situated at the heart of the island, Rothesay Castle differs from other Scottish castles due to its circular design. It is remarkably well-preserved considering it was originally constructed in the early 1200s and much of what we see today dates back to its initial construction. it has weathered the storms of time and witnessed many battles. Here is a condensed version of its history so far.

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Hawthorn and Blossom - the garden evolves.

"Don’t even think about sitting under the solitary hawthorn tree because you may be whisked into the Fairy World." The Hawthorn is said to bring protection and love, and to be synonymous with fairies - either way I am happy to have one growing in our garden. Perhaps, don't linger too long below it on the first of May though, just incase you slip away for a moment only to find you have been gone for many years.....................

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Taming of the Hedge

The pink and white Rugosa Rose hedge at Seaview Cottage has become a quite a local landmark. It is truly stunning when in full bloom and has stopped many a walker in their tracks as they admire it.

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Snowdrops ...a first hint of Spring

Ah, February’s fair maid A gentle yet persistent force of nature You triumph over cold, hard earth After the dark days of winter You bring the promise of renewal and rebirth And the enduring spirit of life

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